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file 00:00:20
Introduction Black Dances

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file 01:07
Présence Africaine
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video 01:50
Le tour du monde des danses urbaines en 10 villes
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video 02:25
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video 03:30
Danse des bananes
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file 04:20
Féral Bengua
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link 04:25
Féral Bengua and the "Bals nègres"
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link 06:53
Katherine Dunham
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file 07:10
Drawing by André Quellier
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file 07:20
Drawing by André Quellier
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video 07:40
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file 07:57
Drawing by André Quellier

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link 08:02
Katherine Dunham seen by André Quellier
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video 08:10
Cours de Cleo Parker - Technique Dunham
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video 08:56
Hard Time Blues
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file 09:32
Strange Fruit
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file 10:12
Mourner’s bench
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video 10:16
Mourner’s bench
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file 11:25
Fodéba Keïta and The African Ballets
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video 11:40
les Ballets Africains
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video 12:20
Transmission de Ostrich
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video 12:40
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file 13:06
Barrel House Blues
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video 13:15
Barrel House Blues rehearsal
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video 13:20
The Wedding
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video 13:30
Dear Lord
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video 13:40
Boot Dance
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video 14:54
Coupé Décalé
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video 15:10
Body technic by James Carles
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James Carlès, dancer and choreographer and specialist of Afro-American dance, evokes the origin of current-day urban dances. From Africa to the United States via Europe, he emphasizes their hybrid style and puts their social and political dimension into perspective. A myriad of videos, photos, illustrations and additional resources complement this interview.

Introduction Black Dances

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Présence Africaine

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Le tour du monde des danses urbaines en 10 villes

BLACK'N'BLUES 2010 - Director : Toutevoix, Gilles

Choreographer(s) : Tompkins, Mark (United States)

La folie du jour

Banana's dance 1926

Choreographer(s) : Baker, Joséphine (United States)


Féral Bengua

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Féral Bengua and the "Bals nègres"


Katherine Dunham


Drawing by André Quellier

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Drawing by André Quellier

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Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2009 - Director : Carlès, James

Choreographer(s) : Carlès, James (France) Dunham, Katherine (United States)

Video producer : James Carlès


Katherine Dunham seen by André Quellier

Cours de Cleo Parker, technique Dunham

Choreographer(s) : Parker Robinson, Cleo (United States) Dunham, Katherine (United States)

Video producer : Cléo Parker

Hard Time Blues

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2009 - Director : Carlès, James

Choreographer(s) : Primus, Pearl (United States) Carlès, James (France)

Video producer : James Carlès


Strange Fruit

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Mourner’s bench

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Mourner’s bench

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2009 - Director : Carlès, James

Choreographer(s) : Carlès, James (France) Beatty, Talley (United States)

Video producer : James Carlès


Fodéba Keïta and The African Ballets

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Ballets Africains 1989

Choreographer(s) : Fodéba, Keïta (Guinea)

Video producer : Ballets de Guinée

Transmission de Ostrich

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2009 - Director : Carlès, James

Choreographer(s) : Carlès, James (France) Dafora, Asadata (Sierra Leone)

Video producer : James Carlès

Ostrich [extract 2]

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2009 - Director : Carlès, James

Choreographer(s) : Carlès, James (France) Dafora, Asadata (Sierra Leone)

Video producer : James Carlès


Barrel House Blues

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Barrel House Blues - Rehearsal

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2009 - Director : Carlès, James

Choreographer(s) : Carlès, James (France) Dunham, Katherine (United States) Parker Robinson, Cleo (United States)

Video producer : James Carlès

The Wedding [extract 1]

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2009 - Director : Carlès, James

Choreographer(s) : Carlès, James (France) Primus, Pearl (United States)

Video producer : James Carlès

Dear Lord Extract 2

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2009 - Director : Carlès, James

Choreographer(s) : Odums, Rick (United States)

Video producer : James Carlès

Boots Dance [2009]

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2009 - Director : Carlès, James

Choreographer(s) : Carlès, James (France) Nicks, Walter (United States)

Video producer : James Carlès

Coupé décalé

Les techniques de corps

Centre chorégraphique James Carlès 2015

Choreographer(s) : Carlès, James (France)

Video producer : James Carlès


Conception and artistic direction Julie Charrier With James Carlès – choreographer, dancer and researcher Video direction and editing Bérénice Meinsohn Image Thomas Goux Light David Montcher Inventory and James Carlès’s archives digitalisation Céline Poitrine With the support of DGCA, the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, the Conseil Général Midi Pyrennées, the Centre Chorégraphique James Carlès, the James Carles Nganou Video excerpts Pathé Gaumont, Fonds James Carlès Drawing Fonds André Quellier, CND and Mme Elena Polanskav Quellier Photography Delphine Perrin and David Herrero With Cleo Parker Robinson, Ella Thompson Moore, Georgey Souchette, Saint Louis Rhino, Ray Morvan, Darius Grandisson, Angeline Gardienet, Tiphaine Jahier, Clevy Banissama, Juliana Cassas, Kehinde Ishangi (Carol Lynn McCoy), Taiwo et Kehinde Awaiye, Celia Coquard, Josepha Madoki, Dieudone Nkanza, Tobiglai Voli, Helene Maspimby, Charlotte Wassy, Stéphane Bongarcon, James Carlès Our thanks to the team of the « médiathèque du CND » and to Anne Décoret Ahiha Recorded at the TLM – Télé Lyon Métropole – Studio. © – Maison de la Danse – Direction Dominique Hervieu, 2015 With the support of the General Secretariat of Ministries and Coordination of Cultural Policies for Innovation (SCPCI) – Regional management of the Rhône-Alpes Cultural Affairs, Artistic and cultural Education support. is a project in association with the Centre national de la danse sponsored by the Ministry of the Culture and Communication and with the support of the BNP Paribas Foundation and Harlequin Floors.
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