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file 00:00:20
Introduction and ressources
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video 00:00:53
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video 01:03
Counter Phrases
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video 01:10
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video 01:38
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video 01:42
Slask Song and Dance Ensemble
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video 01:46
Coupé Décalé
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video 01:50
Chants et danses des pygmes Aka
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link 02:00
Figures du solo
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video 02:05
Tanzerische Pantominen
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video 02:10
Loïe Fuller
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video 02:16
Etude Revolutionnaire
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video 02:40
Desa Kela Patra
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video 02:50
Des Gwana dans le bocage
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video 03:05
La healing dance : Interview of Anne Décoret
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video 03:12
Ahiha les rituels : Interview of Anne Décoret
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video 03:45
Intro au Baroque
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video 03:50
Swan Lake
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link 03:57
Rosas Danst Rosas
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video 04:04
Cour d'Honneur
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video 04:09
Printemps [remontage]
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video 04:14
Le Sucre du printemps
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video 04:19
Babel 8.3
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video 04:24
Un bal à Chaillot - Le Bal Rêveur
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video 04:29
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video 04:34
Le bal tango
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video 04:39
Un bal à Chaillot - Le Bal Gershwin
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video 04:44
La nuit les chats le gris_Clubbing
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video 04:49
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video 04:54
Birds with skymirrors
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video 05:15
We must ear our suckers with the wrappers on
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video 05:20
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video 05:25
Roof and fire piece
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video 05:30
Out of boundaries
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video 05:35
Ha !
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video 05:40
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video 05:45
Manta (film)
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A Webdoc is an interactive multimedia documentary. During the reading of the documentary, resources related to the developed theme are proposed to you. It can be texts, photos, videos, sounds, illustrations, etc. The pink icons on the reading bar give you access to these resources. By clicking on an icon, a description of the resource is displayed on the right side of the video player. Then click on "go to the linked resource" to access its content.


Why do I dance ?


Social dances, anti-establishment, protest dances, rhythms or identities, rituals or pleasures... There are a myriad of reasons for dancing and a myriad of points of view. A webdoc to discover, enhanced with extracts from performances and accounts from amateurs... all the right reasons for dancing!

Introduction and ressources

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Fase 2002 - Director : De Mey, Thierry

Choreographer(s) : De Keersmaeker, Anne Teresa (Belgium)

Video producer : Avila ; Sophimages

Counter Phrases 2004 - Director : De Mey, Thierry

Choreographer(s) : De Keersmaeker, Anne Teresa (Belgium)

Video producer : Avila ; Rosas ; Ictus


Mokorea (ote'a amui)

Choreographer(s) : Foster Delcuvellerie, Makau (France)

Video producer : TNTV

Coupé décalé [2e partie] - James Carlès

CN D - Centre national de la danse 2014 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Choreographer(s) : Carlès, James (France)

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

Songs and dances of Aka pygmys


Figures du solo

Tanzerische pantominen 1925 - Director : Byk, Suse

Choreographer(s) : Gert, Valeska (Germany)

La danse serpentine 1905

Choreographer(s) : Fuller, Loïe (United States)

Etude Révolutionnaire

Des Gnawa dans le bocage

La healing dance : Interview Anne Décoret

Interview Anne Décoret-Ahiha : les rituels

Introduction au baroque

CN D - Centre national de la danse 2004 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Choreographer(s) : Massin, Béatrice (France)

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

Swan Lake

Maison de la Danse de Lyon 2010 - Director : Picq, Charles

Choreographer(s) : Makarova, Natalia (Russian Federation) Ivanov, Lev (Russian Federation) Petipa, Marius (France)

Video producer : Maison de la Danse de Lyon

Integral video available at Maison de la danse de Lyon


Rosas Danst Rosas

Cour d'honneur

Maison de la Danse de Lyon 2013

Choreographer(s) : Bel, Jérôme (France)

Video producer : La Compagnie des Indes


[remontage] 2008 - Director : Léon, Vladimir

Choreographer(s) : Desprairies, Julie (France)

Video producer : Compagnie des prairies

Le sucre du printemps 2008

Choreographer(s) : Muzac, Marion (France)

Video producer : CDC Toulouse

Zoom on a ball in Chaillot - The Bal rêveur


will you still love me tomorrow ? 2013 - Director : Maffesanti, Matteo

Choreographer(s) : Sciarroni, Alessandro (Italy)

Zoom on a ball in Chaillot - The Gershwin Ball

La nuit les chats le gris_Clubbing 2008 - Director : Picq, Charles

Choreographer(s) : Dossavi, Julie (France)

Video producer : Cie Julie Dossavi

Birds with Skymirrors

Maison de la Danse de Lyon 2010

Choreographer(s) : Ponifasio, Lemi (New Zealand)

Video producer : MAU

Integral video available at Maison de la danse de Lyon

We must eat our suckers with the wrappers on

CN D - Centre national de la danse 2005 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Choreographer(s) : Orlin, Robyn (South Africa)

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin


CN D - Centre national de la danse 2005 - Director : Centre national de la danse, Réalisation

Choreographer(s) : Xaba, Nelisiwe (South Africa)

Video producer : Centre national de la danse

Integral video available at CND de Pantin

Roof and Fire Piece 1973 - Director : Mangolte, Babette

Choreographer(s) : Brown, Trisha (United States)

Out of boundaries

Ha !

Maison de la Danse de Lyon 2012

Choreographer(s) : Ouizguen, Bouchra (Morocco)

Video producer : Compagnie O


Conception et artistic direction Julie Charrier With the participation of Anne Decoret-Ahiha, dance anthropologist Video direction and editing Bérénice Meinsohn Image and light Arnaud Millet Sound recording and accessories Emmanuel LopezRecorded at the TLM – Télé Lyon Métropole – Studio. © - Maison de la Danse, direction Dominique Hervieu With the support of the General Secretariat of Ministries and Coordination of Cultural Policies for Innovation (SCPCI) – Regional management of the Rhône-Alpes Cultural Affairs, Artistic and cultural Education support. is a project of Maison de la Danse in association with the Centre national de la danse sponsored by the Ministry of the Culture and Communication and with the support of the BNP Paribas Foundation and Harlequin Floors.
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