TUÉTANO [extrait]
2012 - Director : Cie R.A.M.a
Choreographer(s) : Marin, Andrés (Spain)
Present in collection(s): Montpellier Danse
Video producer : Montpellier Danse Festival 2012 / Arte y Movimiento Producciones / Andrés Marín Flamenco Abierto
TUÉTANO [extrait]
2012 - Director : Cie R.A.M.a
Choreographer(s) : Marin, Andrés (Spain)
Present in collection(s): Montpellier Danse
Video producer : Montpellier Danse Festival 2012 / Arte y Movimiento Producciones / Andrés Marín Flamenco Abierto
With his knife-blade figure, delicate hands and feet and his violent impatience, he is, unsurprisingly, often compared to Picasso – sometimes even to Miró. Far removed from the obvious and the cliché, Andrés Marín delivers a sharp and exacting dance – without concession. In Tuétano, Marín invites the watcher to plunge into the mystery of Duende, to experience the passion of flamenco, as if for the first time. His partner is Concha Vargas, imposing and striking, whose powerful steps slice through the shadows as she bucks and rears like a rolling wave.
Marin, Andrés
Fils du danseur Andrés Marín et de la chanteuse Isabel Vargas, il commence à danser dès son plus jeune âge. C’est un autodidacte, il ne s’est jamais présenté à aucun concours de danse d’où sa grande personnalité et son charisme naturel. En 1999, la danseuse gitane Manuela Carrasco l’invite en tant que soliste dans son spectacle La Raiz del Grito. En janvier 2002, il crée sa première compagnie et présente le spectacle Mas alla del tiempo. En 2004, il présente son deuxième travail de compagnie, Asimetrias. En octobre 2006, il lance El Alba del Ultimo Dia, à la Biennale de Séville. L’été suivant, il crée, sous la direction de Blanca Li, le rôle de Federico Garcia Lorca, dans Poeta en Nueva York. En parallèle avec sa carrière de danseur, Andrés Marín dirige des masterclass et sa propre école de danse « Andrés Marín Flamenco Abierto » à Séville-
Video conception : Montpellier Danse
Production / Coproduction of the video work : Montpellier Danse Festival 2012 / Arte y Movimiento Producciones / Andrés Marín Flamenco Abierto
James Carlès
Bagouet Collection
The committed artist
In all the arts and here especially in dance, the artist sometimes creates to defend a cause, to denounce a fact, to disturb, to shock. Here is a panorama of some "committed" choreographic creations.
La part des femmes, une traversée numérique
Qudus Onikeku - Reclaim a forgotten memory
Indian dances
Discover Indian dance through choreographic creations which unveil it, evoke it, revisit it or transform it!
les ballets C de la B and the aesthetic of reality
Black Dance
Why do I dance ?
Artistic Collaborations
Panorama of different artistic collaborations, from « couples » of choreographers to creations involving musicians or plasticians
Meeting with literature
Collaboration between a choreographer and a writer can lead to the emergence of a large number of combinations. If sometimes the choreographer creates his dance around the work of an author, the writer can also choose dance as the subject of his text.
Dance and performance
Here is a sample of extracts illustrating burlesque figures in Performances.
Round dance
Presentation of the Round’s figure in choreography.
The Dance Biennale
Female / male
A walk between different conceptions and receptions of genres in different styles and eras of dance.
Dance and visual arts
Dance and visual arts have often been inspiring for each other and have influenced each other. This Parcours can not address all the forms of their relations; he only tries to show the importance of plastic creation in some choreographies.
Hip hop / Influences
This Course introduce to what seems to be Hip Hop’s roots.